Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Car pollution.

   What is Car Pollution?

 Pollution is very bad. We might not know or care, but the truth is.. that all this car pollution is hurting all of us. Cars pollute the air, water and land. Car pollution affects the environment in many different ways. 
From noise pollution to air pollution to water pollution, car pollution impacts the environment on a large level
Noise pollution is also another pollutant that is caused by cars. Although many of us do not consider it a pollutant, noise can cause hearing problems. 
Air pollution is not caused by the type of car you drive, but it all depends how many miles you drive and how many gallons of gasoline you burn that really pollutes our earth.

 California  uses over 40 million gallons per day, all those gallons cause more air pollution.
About 80 people per DAY are killed in the USA from car pollution.
Americans use nearly 400 million gallons of gasoline every day.

Pollution Rates
Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are the primary air pollutants produced by a car. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that keeps solar radiation trapped within the atmosphere. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that can lead to health problems, because it prevents blood from carrying oxygen to vital organs of the body.Cars release approximately 333 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually, which is 20 percent of the world's total, according to the Environmental Defense Fund.  Motor vehicles also contribute 72 percent of the nitrogen oxides and 52 percent of reactive hydrocarbons. Hydrogen on Demand Generators can reduce engine's carbon foot print by as much as 70%.

  Effects Of Car Pollution.

Air pollution from transport produces acid rain, which damages crops and trees, and mess up our old buildings and ancient works of art. Cars are a major source of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Chemicals from direct air pollution plus ozone are toxic and each has a specific effect upon humans and the environment. They cause respiratory diseases, irritation to the eyes, and exacerbate existing breathing problems, such as asthma in children and other medical conditions in the elderly. Carbon monoxide causes drowsiness and poor mental alertness. Asthma sufferers collectively lose millions of working days every year, costing employers and governments hundreds of million of dollars because of pollution.

 What Can we do to help?
The United States,uses about half of the world's gasoline.
Their are many ways we can help solving this problem we have in our world, Consider the following:
People that drive, should drive less, use public transportation(bus,carpool) and walk more or even ride a bike or scooter even roller-skates are fine .Purchase cars that get good gas mileage. Keep your car in good shape with good tires and regular oil changes. A car that is fine-tuned will get better gas mileage,  an cause less pollution.


  • All these images, are based on car pollution.

    We found This Video Pretty interesting .

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